Dear all: EndoVis has moved here
Sub-challenges 2022
- SurgToolLoc -Endoscopic surgical tool localization by leveraging tool presence labels
- CholecTriplet2022 -Surgical Action Triplet Detection and Localization
- SAR-RARP50 -Instrumentation segmentation and Action Recognition on robotic RadicalProstatectomy
- SimCol-to-3D:Simulated Colonoscopy data for 3D (scene) reconstruction
- SurgT - a challenge for tissue tracking in surgery
Explorative: P2ILF - Preoperative to Intraoperative Laparoscopy Fusion
EndoVis 2022: Structured description of the challenge design
Sub-challenges 2021
- HeiSurf: HeiChole Surgical Workflow Analysis and Full Scene Segmentation
- GIANA: Gastrointestinal ImAge ANAlysis
- CholecTriplet2021: Surgical Action Triplet Recognition
- FetReg: Placental Vessel Segmentation and Registration in Fetoscopy
- PETRAW: PEg TRAnsfer Workflow recognition by different modalities
- SimSurgSkill: Objective Surgical Skill Assessment in VR Simulation
EndoVis 2021: Structured description of the challenge design
Sub-challenges 2020
- CATARACTS Segmentation
- CATARACTS Workflow
- MIcro-Surgical Anastomose Workflow recognition on training sessions (MISAW)
- Surgical visual domain adaptation: from virtual reality to real, clinical environments (SurgVisDom)
Sub-challenges 2019
- Robust Medical Instrument Segmentation (ROBUST-MIS)
- Stereo Correspondence and Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data
- Surgical Workflow and Skill Analysis
Sub-challenges 2018
- Gastrointestinal Image ANAlysis (GIANA)
- Surgical Workflow Analysis in the SensorOR
- Robotic Scene Segmentation
Sub-challenges 2017
Based on a "Call for Data" four sub-challenges were selected:
- Gastrointestinal Image ANAlysis (GIANA)
- Surgical Workflow Analysis in the SensorOR
- Robotic Instrument Segmentation
- Kidney Boundary Detection
Sub-challenges 2015
Based on a "Call for Data" four sub-challenges were selected:
- Instrument segmentation and tracking
- Automatic polyp detection in colonoscopy videos
- Early Barrett's cancer detection
- Detection of abnormalities in gastroscopic images
If you have any question regarding to this challenge, please send an email to the following address:
This challenge is endorsed by the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS) and organized by the open source and open data group of ISCAS.